Responsive God

As I grow older and as I experience the ongoing war within my flesh, a conclusion has dawned on me. Growth in God is not linear. For we never outgrow our desire to sin and the same temptations that pulled at twenty will pull at thirty, forty, fifty, and beyond. Our growth and our experience is fully measured at the very end.

Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. But the one who perseveres to the END will be SAVED (Matthew 24:12-13).

To measure whether or not you are in, is for God to be responsive. Is he answering prayer? Are you experiencing his visible power in your life? If you cannot point to daily things that the Lord is doing, then you should consider whether or not you are in the faith.

For God is responsive to those he loves and those he hates he is eerily silent.

Seek to please God and watch for his response. We never really grow after our initial feeding on the meat of God’s Word. Now, you must simply hold on to what you have and do not allow the devil to let it slip.

How to Hear the Devil?

One of the last ways the enemy attacks is through argument. If you have overcome the alcohol, the fornication, the adultery, and idolatry, then he will attack your senses. I have found that the devil is able to move our emotions and give us feelings from within that are often unnoticed to those who have not learned how to hear every voice. We have teachings on hearing the voice of God. Learning how to move in the spirit, but have you been taught how to hear Satan? Can you recognize him? Because if you cannot recognize Satan, how will you be able to defend yourself. How will know what and whom to resist? It is important that you can recognize his voice. Because the devil speaks way more then God. We are naturally far more in-tune to respond to Satan, then we are to God. We work and fight to hear God, but we do not need to do that to hear Satan. Certainly, to move in the flesh is far easier then to move in obedience to the commands of God. For even with the Spirit of God, Paul said, I buffet my body.

So how do you hear the devil? He speaks mostly I find through feeling. You may hear someone say, I feel like this or that. That feeling is often rooted in the demonic realm, because that feeling is often a response that is ungodly. We are called to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger (James 1:19). Why? Because in the quick response, it is often a demonic one. Remember, it is far easier to hear the devil, then God. The problem is found in our ability to know Satan’s voice. Because when you recognize his speech, you can circumvent his strategy to ruin your relationships and steal your joy.

We must learn how to slow down. We must be quick to listen. What are we listening for? Whom is speaking. If you move to quickly, then you will be responding to the wrong person. But if I simply listen, then I can hear and discern my feeling and respond to the right person. For there are three voices that we can feel and hear. Our own voice, the voice of God  or angels, and the voice of Satan and demons. When you are slow to speak, then you give yourself time to know whose speaking and respond accordingly.

You will notice that the arguments will cease and joy will be maintained and the devil will lose ground in his ability to destroy your home with grief. James 1:19 is powerful and a crucial text within the pages of Scripture to gaining an ability to hear Satan and then respond Godly.

Time Does Not Make The Fight Easier

Brothers and sisters in Christ, we have an enemy within and without that must be fought daily. For when we would do good, evil is present. The works of the devil are consistent and his strategies though similar are modified given our resolve. He is not static in his approach to make sure we have the best chance of entering hell. The Bible tells us to fight the good fight of faith, Our faith must be protected and we must defend it. It also tells us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. In light of the way being narrow, we must be vigilant. Wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Time does not make the fight easier. In fact, we are more tempted to grow weary in well doing, when the clock keeps ticking.

Since we know that time does not make the fight easier, we must dig deeper and deeper in God. We must pursue him more and more and get closer and closer. It will be the only way to survive. We must cry out to the Lord for His rescuing hand and for His protection. We must put on the full armor of the Lord and resist the enemy. We must do everything we can to stand.

Let us direct our thoughts unto the Lord and repent of sin and draw near. Ask the Lord to renew and refresh you. Some may make it look easy this spiritual fight, but make no mistake, none of us will enter in without it being scare. For the Bible declares that the righteous scarcely make it.

Keep fighting to remain holy and when you sin, repent, move forward and press. We only have one shot at being right and you do not want to be wrong.

Putting Too Much On God

It is important for you to realize that coming to Jesus Christ and receiving the benefits of knowing the Creator of Heaven and Earth and having a relationship with him as close as friends and even closer as a son or daughter that God has work for you. Sometimes we can make the mistake in believing that somehow God is now responsible for everything in our lives when he is the one who commands and we are responsible to listen and obey.

The Lord says fear not for I am with you. Our responsibility is to stop fearing. The Lord says trust in him and do good. Our responsibility is to trust him and do good works. The Lord says honor and your father and mother. Our responsibility is to honor our father and mother. The Lord is not going to do our part. If we are too lazy or uninterested to do our part then we will not receive the rewards he has promised to those who do.

Our employer expects a certain level of work from us that makes us profitable to the company. Our supervisor steps in and guides us through a difficult situations that exceed our level of experience and then expects you to continue working with a higher level of experience. God is the same way. He expects his sons and daughters to take responsibility for their sin. When an attack from Satan exceeds your experience level, then cry out to him.

Don’t expect God to live your life for you. He is not going to do that. He guides, opens and closes doors, but you must crawl, walk, and run through every situation. You must live you life. The more you obey God the more power you have with God. Its called promotion. Do you want more of God? Show him by your works. You cannot become a doctor without going to school. God will help open and close doors, but you must study those books and pass those tests. Don’t expect God to study for you.

You want that cute girl? Don’t expect God to be your wingman. Go over there an campaign. Open your mouth and tell her how you feel.

Putting too much on God is expecting God to do the chores he gave you to do.

Frequent Trips To God Strengthens The Believer

When you believe in God the Father and know His Son Jesus you have moved beyond the physical realm and have entered into the spirit. Once you are in the spirit you access the Father through prayer. You commune with God. You speak with God. Worship is a part of this realm. Singing songs and hymns to the Lord is in this realm. The presence and power of God is in this realm.

In the spirit you begin to be strengthened within your inner man. Your spirit/soul is strengthened and you become on fire. This fire that burns on the inside repels demons and causes them to tremble. A fire is placed in your eyes and weight has been granted to your words. Your words become life to those who receive them. Your desire in this realm is strictly for the Lord and you enjoy hearing his loving commands. It is in this realm where you receive your supernatural gifts. It is in this realm where you receive the mission for your life. The purpose for your existence is in this realm. Direction is in this realm.

Frequent prayer strengthens the believer because it gives you rest from the world. You leave the world and enter a new realm when you pray. You are transported from this world and now the spirit world has been opened and in this realm all things are possible to those who believe. In heavenly places you acquire tools that aid your earthly life. Tools that not only benefit you, but those who hear you.

Prayer is the door into this realm. This is why Satan hinders prayer. He does not want you access your strength and your gifts and those wonderful tools and jewels of wisdom that God grants to those who are faithful in coming to him in prayer. Keep praying. Pray everyday and ask the Lord Jesus how do I get those heavenly tools to work in the natural. Ask the Lord to show you what are the best tools for my current situation. Believe and you will receive access and wisdom.