How to Hear the Devil?

One of the last ways the enemy attacks is through argument. If you have overcome the alcohol, the fornication, the adultery, and idolatry, then he will attack your senses. I have found that the devil is able to move our emotions and give us feelings from within that are often unnoticed to those who have not learned how to hear every voice. We have teachings on hearing the voice of God. Learning how to move in the spirit, but have you been taught how to hear Satan? Can you recognize him? Because if you cannot recognize Satan, how will you be able to defend yourself. How will know what and whom to resist? It is important that you can recognize his voice. Because the devil speaks way more then God. We are naturally far more in-tune to respond to Satan, then we are to God. We work and fight to hear God, but we do not need to do that to hear Satan. Certainly, to move in the flesh is far easier then to move in obedience to the commands of God. For even with the Spirit of God, Paul said, I buffet my body.

So how do you hear the devil? He speaks mostly I find through feeling. You may hear someone say, I feel like this or that. That feeling is often rooted in the demonic realm, because that feeling is often a response that is ungodly. We are called to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger (James 1:19). Why? Because in the quick response, it is often a demonic one. Remember, it is far easier to hear the devil, then God. The problem is found in our ability to know Satan’s voice. Because when you recognize his speech, you can circumvent his strategy to ruin your relationships and steal your joy.

We must learn how to slow down. We must be quick to listen. What are we listening for? Whom is speaking. If you move to quickly, then you will be responding to the wrong person. But if I simply listen, then I can hear and discern my feeling and respond to the right person. For there are three voices that we can feel and hear. Our own voice, the voice of God  or angels, and the voice of Satan and demons. When you are slow to speak, then you give yourself time to know whose speaking and respond accordingly.

You will notice that the arguments will cease and joy will be maintained and the devil will lose ground in his ability to destroy your home with grief. James 1:19 is powerful and a crucial text within the pages of Scripture to gaining an ability to hear Satan and then respond Godly.

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