IS Suicide A Good Option?

Every living thing on earth has an expiration. There is a day approaching when each person who has read this blog will die. Your heart will cease to beat and your blood will cease to circulate through your body and your memory will be no more. Every baby born is born to die. The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride (Ecclesiastes 7:8).

So is suicide a mute point, since we all die anyway? Unfortunately, it is not. God creates every living thing on earth. While the function of sexual intercourse produces a baby, the life of the baby, the breathe of the baby, is given by God. He determines the sex, the intellect, the gifts, the socioeconomic background, the time in space, whether this century or the next. God made you for His pleasure and not your own. While God gives us the opportunity for pleasure and grants access to include the pleasures of sin, He will judge everything.

Suicide destroys a temple that you did not build. No one born can say, I did this. You were created and fashioned without your consent or an acknowledgment. So you don’t own your body. God does.

Do you not know that you yourselves are God’s temple, and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are. – 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

If God destroys you, you can rest assured that heaven will not be your home. There are many things in life that will make you desire death over life and while you may beg God for it, remember this. I prayed for God to take me home and I heard someone say, taking you home now, is like cutting off the hand of God. God has a hedge on us and we are his most precious tools for the kingdom of God, way too important for God’s mission.

Understand, most of the great men in the Bible labored with God in prayer for early dismissal and only one man was successful in that prayer and his name was Samson, all others were required by God to finish their tour. So dry your eyes and pick up your sword. There is work to be done.

Satan works hard on your mind, because God has given you power to make destructive blows to the devils kingdom. Don’t give up! Your fight is shared with other brothers and sisters in Christ.


2 responses to “IS Suicide A Good Option?

  1. Seems like this happens when someone loses all hope for a better tomorrow
    some people are plainly tired of living…sad but true

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